Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Why this blog ??????

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Journey of Parenthood Part 1 :

I think every woman has a lot to share about motherhood and my journey into motherhood is no different. As I am embarking on this journey I sincerely pray that my parenting experience be the best possible.
The journey of motherhood is special irrespective of your age, whether it is your first pregnancy or "Nth” experience. 
For some, the pregnancy is planned, for others unplanned; however, in most cases it brings with it a lot of joy, a bundle of emotions and new found responsibility.
Now, for a few (may be more in numbers!!) this process is not smooth. We belong to this category.  I include my husband as in this journey it is the two of us who grow closer fighting against all odds. Yes, just to hear the good news was a big, big struggle for us.
It was a struggle for six years during which we were subjected to numerous tests, injections, medicines and some very unpleasant doctor appointments. Elaborating these points is futile, and unnecessary, however, for any of you who want to learn about this, I am open to sharing my experience.    The purpose of this blog is to remind ourselves to remain positive during difficult and delayed pregnancies.
We tried several treatments to sort out one particular issue but this issue persisted even after visiting several centres. These visits turned out to be a blessing in disguise because we understood how some of these centres worked and that they would definitely not suit us.
Eventually, right things happened at the right moment - we met Dr. Karthik Gunashekar, Director, Metro Male Clinic and Dr. Manu Lakshmi Karthik, Guna Fertility Centre, T Nagar. Both these specialized centres are located in the same campus. Dr. Karthik suggested a systematic approach and when the tests suggested by them came positive they asked us to take the next step and try IVF ICSI treatment. This is a very big decision for a couple, and it was a big breakthrough for us.
Based on our experience, I would like to share my views and thoughts on our treatment. I am definitely not writing this blog as an advice, since this treatment involves not only your physical self but cause a lot of emotions to run through you and so it is a personal choice to choose a mode and place of treatment. 
Couple  of things that I would like to share :
You can share this blog with any of your friends who are in the same phase as us, that is, who are desperate to have a baby. Please note that this is a delicate matter, and however well-intentioned you are, they may not take it in the right spirit. Beyond a certain point, any couple longing for a child will take efforts towards that. They may not be vocal about it because it does take time to understand everything, and gain confidence in the treatment.
Personally, I believe that most people from urban educated families begin this treatment not for social expectations, as advertised, but an emotional need. I feel that it is a personal choice to get married or have a child. For some, everything happens quickly, whereas, for others, it gets delayed. One method to overcome this situation is to have firm faith in God.  At the same time, we should remain informed about the procedures we undergo. Make an effort to identify a doctor with whom you are comfortable. Please don't get carried away by any advertisements, personal experience is the best guideline.

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