Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Our preliminary consultations @ Metro Male Clinic

Journey into Parenthood Part 2 :

      From August 2016, we began consultations with Dr. Karthik and Dr. Manu Lakshmi. Dr. Karthik explained our problem in a practical manner. We liked his approach - he knew where we stood and he told us to do a few crucial tests including sperm mapping, and we proceeded based on these reports. 
Sperm Mapping is, in Dr. Karthik's words, a GPS tool to track healthy sperm through a micro, non-invasive technique. The procedure is done under local anaesthesia and takes about 45 minutes. A positive result allows you to proceed with IVF ICSI, especially if you have any major or minor sperm related issues.
Image result for metro male clinic                                                      Image result for guna fertility center
Why did we choose this centre?
 I had read Dr. Karthik's blogs and found it interesting. After we met him, we understood that our problem had become more complicated because of our wrong approach. Dr. Karthik explained our problem in a very simple manner and suggested sperm mapping (which he is trained in) to get a clearer idea on how to proceed. There was a lot of positivity, not only in his sincere approach, but also in the whole clinic.
Dr. Karthik told us clearly that we would start the tests together and the reason for their centre’s success is a combined integral approach where every step in the treatment is taken after analysing both reports.
      We decided to give it a try.  Hari and I went through the suggested tests. Dr. Karthik also suggested some very important lifestyle modifications and some supplements and asked us to return in 6 weeks for the test results.
      I met Dr. Manu Lakshmi Karthik to understand my reports. This is the first hospital I found where everyone, right from the nurses to the doctor is extremely patient with the patients.
      Our old reports were thoroughly analysed and explained. Dr. Manu instantly understood our worry and told us that she hoped that our test results were encouraging. This would allow her to proceed with the IVF procedure. 
      She asked us to remain calm and concentrate on the lifestyle modifications and take the folic acid and thyroid medications prescribed daily. 
      We had made up our minds that this was the place where we could hope to get positive results, and hence, we would continue the treatment at this clinic. At this point we strongly felt that it was God’s wish, and if this didn’t work out, we would take a break and concentrate on other matters.  
Image result for guna fertility center
Dr Manu Lakshmi Karthik
      I would like to add that Dr. Manu saw all of our previous reports and did not repeat any test. The doctors reassured us that it was only this issue which stopped us from proceeding.  This is so unlike other fertility centres where a junior doctor would see us, and prescribe unnecessary tests and medications. This made it clear that at the centre the doctors and their team were emphatic, confident, professional and didn’t believe in play with human emotions.
Image result for metro male clinic
Dr. Karthik Gunashekhar
The following links are the websites of Metro Male Clinic and Guna Fertility Center, the first also features Dr. Karthik’s blogs:
Once we were back home (this was mid-August 2016), we concentrated on some important exercises and inclusions in our diet. In particular, I focused on my weight, as anxiety and depression had led to weight gain. 

I wouldn't say I lost too much weight but I became more positive. Moreover, since this was the festive season of the year, we were busy with our golu (Navarathri festival) and having a lot of guests at home.

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