Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Our IVF Journey Part 1- upto egg retrival and formation of embryos

Journey into Parenthood Part 5 :

Steps followed @ Guna Fertility Centre: My IVF journey:
      I got my periods on 2nd November 2016.  I called up Ms. Mohanapriya, our IVF coordinator and she asked me to come the next day. She told me I will have a trial transfer, a scan and an injection following the scan. 
      It is better if we take our husbands for this first day of IVF. The remaining days we can go on our own. If you are working, you can take a short break for the injection and get back to work.
      With a lot of prayers and anxiety we reached the hospital in the morning.
      As soon as Dr. Manu saw me she asked me if I was ready. I said I was nervous. She told me it is a simple task and we just have to take each step with less rigidity. If the trial transfer is done on the second day, it will be less painful. 
      After signing the consent papers, I laid down. She explained to me to be calm and relaxed as the more rigid I get the more painful it is going to be. 
      In trial transfer basically a thin catheter is passed through your vaginal canal to assess the cervical length. This information is mandatory for the transfer of the embryo. It is a few seconds of discomfort and nothing compared to the HSG tube test.
      Once the length is noted, the doctor does your internal trans vaginal scan. We have to get used to this scanning as it will be done very often right through the treatment. 
      I was fortunate to have Dr. Manu who does this scan very well. Initially I was quite nervous but soon got over it.
      Dr. Manu showed me the scan on the monitor where she showed the picture of the uterus and ovaries. She showed me a black dot and asked me to observe the same- This is what will change in the upcoming days as the follicles are stimulated. 
      Dr. Manu advised the dosage of injections to the nurse and wished me good luck.
      First day blood samples are also withdrawn to check FSH, LH and estrogen levels. In the beginning they will show normal values and as our injections proceed the values will increase.
      For the next fourteen days, injections are to be taken at the hospital only and it is best to stick to a specific convenient time.
      For me either Ms. Chandralekha or Ms. Keerthana would administer the injections; these injections are given around your navel area and they are not at all painful.
      The important instructions to be followed during the injection period are that we must drink at least 3 litres of water, no out-side food and no sexual intercourse. 
      Apart from this we can carry out our normal routine.
      For the next couple of days only the injections are administered.
      The fourth or the fifth day the next scan is taken. In this scan Dr. Manu showed me the black dots that had multiplied – this means good stimulations were happening. The black dots are the follicles; they are black because of their water content. It was an experience to see the follicles on the screen.
      The seventh day is like the mid period where a blood test and a scan are taken. Now the doctor starts counting the follicles on either side of the ovary.
      Dr. Manu told me stimulations were happening according to their expectations and the blood values were also raising steadily. At this stage if stimulations are less they are likely to alter the dosage.
      This is a combination of three injections; the cost of these injections is very high as they are human hormones, and not many companies produce these drugs. 
      There are no pronounced side effects to these injections. But, due to the stimulation, you will feel a bloating sensation in the lower abdomen. Yoga or other strenuous exercises are not recommended during this time.
      I did not gain weight during the injection period. This could be because of very cautious eating and drinking a lot of water.
      On day 12 a final scan is done to ascertain the number of follicles and their measurements. I think the follicles need to reach 18 mm in size to be considered to be fully developed.
      The doctor uses the monitor to decide your egg retrieval time. This is done in consultation with the embryologist. Based on his availability a time is fixed. 
      At this stage I was informed by Dr. Manu that they will be retrieving about 10 follicles. This is one of the hospital’s highlights - they are very transparent at every stage. All our reports are given to us as print outs at every stage. 
      The reason I am specifically mentioning this here is because many centres I've heard aren't transparent, neither reports are given nor the follicles are shown. 
      If you are not shown or informed it is better you speak to your doctor. 
      All our payments were with credit card and we were given bills immediately. This further establishes the transparency of this hospital. Some IVF centres insist on cash especially for egg pick up or embryo transfer. Please get acquainted before you start the process.
      Based on the egg retrieval time, a trigger injection needs to be given; this injection will ensure the eggs mature completely and do not rupture.... this is usually given 33 hours before the pick-up time. 
      My egg pick up was scheduled at 11.00 am on 16th November 2016, so I had my trigger at 11.45 PM on 14 th November. 
      Please stick to your time as it is important. In my case, the nurses Keerthana and Chandraleka were ready and exactly at 11.45 pm injection was given. This injection is also intramuscular but not very painful. They also explained the instructions I needed to follow till I report for egg pick up.
      The day after the trigger injection is a break day and we need not go to the hospital. One has to just relax at home eating normal food with lots of water. Based on the timing, eating after a specific time is not allowed. A little bloating may be experienced. 
      November 16 th was our egg retrieval day. We left home in a cab and reached the hospital. In normal ICSI the male partner gives his sample ahead of time so he will be free to take care when the female partner will be undergoing the process under anaesthetic conditions. Then both can actually manage just in case parents aren't available to help. 
      In our case my husband Hari went in for surgical sperm retrieval. This was suggested by Dr. Karthik, and as the locations and quality of sperms were already ascertained, it was a simple micro non-invasive technique with local anaesthesia and this ensured better quality of sperms.
      His procedure started sharp at 10.30 am and was over at 10.50 am. He was shifted to the room. My parents were there with us to take care since we both had to undergo the procedure simultaneously.
      Following this I was taken in, and our anesthetist, Dr. Senthil assured me that Hari 's part went on well and he was doing fine. I sincerely appreciate this kind of a personal touch and care that each doctor took in this hospital. Dr. Senthil then administered general anesthesia for me.
      It is definitely an experience to see the greatness of technology. I was initially conscious and was informed by Dr. Manu that all will be well .I realized how many people were involved in this process-- so many dedicated and skillful hands handling us .
      I soon slept off and when I regained consciousness I was already shifted to the room. I felt sleepy for few hours. After a couple of hours I was started on a liquid diet, and since there was no nausea went on to soft solids and then after the drips I was discharged.
      Hari's recovery was much faster as it was only a local anesthesia. He took care of settling the bills and discharge formalities. 
      Ms. Chandralekha, our nurse came to meet me and said my procedure went on for about 40 minutes and as decided before, 10 follicles were extracted. From the follicles, eggs will be removed and fused with the sperms. 
      She told us by the next day we will know how many have fertilized. She said she would call and inform. She gave me the prescription for a few pain killers and asked me to continue the perinatal multivitamin tablets. For Hari no medicines were required. 
      I was asked to come on the 5th day of the next cycle to check if my ovaries have shrunk and if everything was normal with the uterus after this egg pick up.
      In this hospital the IVF ICSI protocol takes a break here. A complete break of one cycle is given for hormones to get back to normal and the frozen embryo transfer is done only in the second cycle after egg pick up. 
      This is done to avoid estrogen interference which might interfere with implantation. This was explained in the beginning itself by Dr. Manu.
      This is also very beneficial for us as we get to unwind, workout and get ourselves ready for the embryo transfer. 
      After the instructions we were discharged by about 7 PM. It was a very pleasant experience. We left the hospital with satisfaction and of course with some anxiety about the results of the nature of embryos.
      That night I could take normal dinner and I didn't have any pain.
      The next day Hari took off from work just to relax. I was back to my normal routine. My mother was there for a day to help me after which I could manage on my own.
      In the evening I spoke to Ms. Chandralekha. The embryologist's assistant had told her six eggs had cleaved indicating six eggs had fertilised. But it was still too early; only by Monday will they be able to update the correct status.
      Monday was a busy hospital day and it was very difficult to get through to anyone. My tension was building up and finally by about 2 PM, I could speak to Ms. Mohanapriya. She immediately apologised for the delay and told me they had frozen 8 blastocyst grade embryos and that it wa­­s a good number.
      I was extremely relieved and happy, even a little emotional. I immediately updated Hari who was at the office and he too was very relieved and happy. 
      Just to understand in lay man terms (there are several good web references on this) once the sperm and egg fuse it is placed in an incubator which maintains body temperature. Then it starts cleaving and cell division takes place. A good quality egg and sperm will facilitate this process. 
      Day 5 after retrieval is called a blastocyst stage and at this stage the embryo is frozen, from then on no change takes place. They are frozen in a liquid nitrogen environment and can be stored for ages.
      Some centres freeze on day 3. Their school of thought is that the human body environment is better for day 4 and day 5.
      The only risk of waiting till day 5 is that some embryos that are not of good quality may be lost and might become useless for transfer.
      But across the world Day 5 blastocyst is recommended as it is a clear indication of a better quality embryo since it has withstood 5 days.
      Before the transfer, the embryos will be thawed (brought to normal temperature) and studied under a powerful embryoscope. It is at this point that the embryologist will take pictures of the embryos and tell us their specific quality and grade. 
      So after hearing that 8 blastocyst embryos were frozen we thanked God for helping us cross one part of IVF with this team of very efficient medical personnel. 
      The next one and half months were to unwind and I followed a very strict routine of diet and exercise which included gymming and yoga. I did loose about 3.5 kgs and I felt really good -- this can be attributed to an inner feeling of relief that one part was over.
      When we first consulted Dr. Karthik, he told us the problem was solvable once good sperms are identified through the ICSI technique since they will fertilise the egg well. But for the success of an IVF treatment, just egg and sperm quality are not the only contributing factors; the overall health of the woman and how she takes care of her protein and vitamin requirements matters. He told us this very beautifully ‘Our aim is not to create successful embryos but to make you hold the baby in your hands’  This was my motivation mantra to be very strict about my eating habits and physical work out .

      So it is important that we take care of our health right through the treatment period. In-fact, we always have to be careful. But we have learnt from experience that when nothing positive happens we generally distract ourselves by over-eating. That is why many who experience depression put on weight.

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