Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Most Cherished breakthrough in our Treatment

Journey into Parenthood Part 3 :

As we wound up the festivals we realised we had completed our 6 weeks waiting period and we fixed up an appointment with Dr. Karthik. This was on 20th October 2016. 
      Given our previous experiences, we didn't have great expectations from this report. 
      Thankfully, when we received the reports, it wasn't in a format which we could understand so we waited to meet the doctor.
      Dr. Karthik checked Hari's reports and within a couple of minutes said that they could identify sperm without much difficulty, and confidently asked us to proceed with ICSI IVF. The doctor asked me to meet Dr. Manu and work on my schedule.
      This was probably one of our best moments in life.  Although we knew the real treatment was just going to begin, we were relieved and excited.  We were truly overwhelmed.
      Choosing the ICSI IVF procedure is the final step to sort out infertility issues. We arrived at this method of treatment only after trying out all other possible methods. We felt that this would be a big breakthrough for us.
      On the same day, we also met with Dr. Manu and she confirmed that Hari's reports were encouraging. She did the AMH blood test for me on that day. This test gives us an idea of the ovarian reserve which is very important for IVF. 
      I had undergone this blood test previously, but Dr. Manu explained to me that it would not vary much, but would be better to have the test done just before the IVF cycle.

      Dr. Manu explained the process clearly and in detail to us and we signed the consent forms for the same. To be frank, we were more excited than scared. 

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