Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Embryo Transfer Cycle

Journey into Parenthood Part 6 :

On January 1st 2017, just like on every New Year we prayed as the day dawned. Both of us felt a special joy -- by God’s grace if IVF works out we will able to experience our dream parenthood this year !!!!!! I got my periods on 1st itself.
      So on 2nd when we visited the doctor, she did a scan and told me the uterus had shrunk well and we can proceed with embryo transfer as planned.
      I was given Progynova estrogen medicine to be taken orally two times a day and ecosprin which is a blood thinner. This is to create an endometrial thickness to support the embryo.
      No injections were given to me and on the 8 th day I was asked to come back for a check-up.
      On the 8 th day after a scan the doctor told me endometrial thickness was developing.  I had two more scans on the 10 th day and 12 th day.
      The dosage of progynova was made thrice a day along with perinatal multivitamin tablets and ecosprin.
      On the last day of scan the doctor showed me on the screen three lines in my uterus wall, which means the endometrial thickness was as expected. 
      On the final day a blood test was taken for the progesterone level checking.
      I was prescribed two medicines susten and crinonine gel both to be taken vaginally. These are progesterone supplements, and they are mandatory in an IVF treatment. 
      In normal pregnancy our ovary releases the egg with a shell, this egg then undergoes fertilisation. The shell left behind releases progesterone and supports or facilitates pregnancy till the placenta takes over.
      In case of IVF, since we surpass this step we are given external progesterone support. Many centres do prescribe susten injections too but our hospital prescribes that only when there is a need. No unnecessary medication is ever entertained by Dr. Manu!
      A small suggestion-- these progesterone, estrogen medications are very important in aiding the implantation of the embryos. So please take it at proper time intervals and maintain a specific time for each dosage. It really helps.
      After prescribing the medicines and instructing me on how to use them, I was told to come at 11am on 17 th January 2017 for embryo transfer.
How I prepared myself for embryo transfer
As I mentioned before no specific arrangements were required for egg retrieval. But before embryo transfer it is important that you make a few arrangements even though Dr. Manu told me clearly that being on bed rest will definitely not assure pregnancy. 
But I was anxious and I felt I should slow down after embryo transfer. It is the best time you can give to yourself to relax and do what really interests you. 
We decided to ask my mother to stay with us to ensure I eat healthy and not strain much. I got my wardrobes re-arranged so that I don't have to bend much, managed to stock up for the next month. Loaded up some interesting movies and music on the phone and VCR! 
I am passionate about our mythological stories and love to visit temples and spend some quiet times there. During the treatment many people suggest for you to chant a sloka or go to a temple.  I felt God definitely knows when and what to give so I followed my usual routine with firm faith in God. I did visit a couple of temples for inner peace before the transfer.
Embryo Transfer:
My embryo transfer was around 1 PM, and we reported early to hospital. Generally no anaesthesia is required for the transfer; it is just a 5 minutes procedure and it is done when we have a full bladder. But I was worried I would get too rigid and not cooperate so I requested for a mild anaesthesia which Dr. Manu accepted. I was taken inside by 11 am and started on with IV procedure. My nurses were very friendly and helpful. Ms. Mohanapriya ensured I was ready and I got to the theatre by 12.45 PM, but our embryologist was delayed and arrived only at 2.30 PM. 
      The embryologist arrived with his assistant Ms. Sangeetha. My nurses were ready and the embryos were thawed.
      Dr. Manu entered the theatre and started the preparations. Ms. Mohanapriya asked me to be calm and said my embryos were fine. Dr. Manu also reassured the same.
      They told me they will be placing 3 embryos.
      Amidst lovely music-- a divine song on Garbarakshambigai -- the embryos were placed in me. I was very much conscious but did not feel much pain. Immediately after the transfer Dr. Manu placed a susten medicine.
After the transfer 2 hours rest is recommended after which we can go home. I chose to stay a couple of hours more, as my house was far and we wanted to avoid the traffic.
      My mother had brought food so I took my dinner and then returned home.
      I was given a HCG injection and one susten injection and told to continue my medication and report exactly after 15 days for beta HCG blood test. I was also asked to take a HCG injection after 5 days.
      I was told to take normal non spicy diet with lot of water and no bed rest was required. 
All of them wished us good luck; we reached home safely and retired to a peaceful night’s sleep

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