Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Fifth month anomaly scan and check-up:

Journey into Parenthood Part 12 :

We were advised to take the anomaly scan at Scan India in TNagar. Both Harini and Mohanapriya had warned me that though people were friendly there will be a crowd and it is better to go very early.
So with packed breakfast, lunch, drink and fruits we reached the scan centre. That day my sister in law Ms. Priya also joined us. Initially she helped Hari to park the vehicle and then spent the whole day almost upto 3pm with us at the centre. She was a big help and company, brought me yummy hot capsicum rice and Hari some fruit juice.
This anomaly scan is combined with fetal ECHO for twins. I was extremely nervous, as this scan will give us complete details about every organ of the babies.
Till now, because of the rules, Hari had never seen our babies on the monitor. He was longing for it but we didn't expect his wish to come true at this centre. 
This scan centre was very systematic; first my scan was done by a doctor assistant. Thankfully from now on a full bladder is not required. As soon as she started scanning she asked me if my husband had come and asked the assistant to call him in. This made me terribly nervous. I thought something was wrong. When Hari came in he was asked to sit on the sofa.
    Madam did my scanning very patiently and showed us the different organs of both the babies. Hari was just super thrilled and followed the doctor. Maybe because of nervousness, I couldn't really enjoy the moment.  Madam patted me and said the babies are fine and I don't have to be so worried. Once again I appreciate the doctor's gesture – previously I have experienced such painful scans, that too TV scans, where the doctor will sigh if we have tears because of the pain! I am thankful to God for these nice doctors. 
Hari spotted one baby even sucking his / her thumb in a cozy position and the other one in Namaskaram position! After the 1st round, a senior doctor, Dr. Sathya did a complete anomaly scan. Hari was inside for that too. Dr. Sathya said that everything was fine, the placenta position was better and it had moved away from cervix. She wished us good luck and asked me to take care and wait for the cardiologist for the foetal ECHO.
It was a long wait; when I called Mohanapriya to inform about the delay she gave some very happy news-- Harini had delivered and she and her son were doing fine. I was thrilled! She had a normal delivery post IVF.
Finally our cardiologist arrived and did the foetal ECHO. We saw the functioning of the tiny hearts ♥ and heard their heart beats too! The doctor said all was fine with both the babies and wished us good luck.
We collected our reports and rushed to meet Dr. Manu. My initial weight and BP check-up was done. She saw all the reports and assured us that all was fine and told me I can walk around the house but not strain too much. When Hari, Mohanapriya and I at the same time sighed in relief Dr. Manu started laughing. She told me not to be nervous about every scan! She told me I can sing! She did the usual heart beat check-up, reduced my injection schedule to once in two weeks and told me to include proteins and take care and meet her in the last week of June. An additional bonus for us was meeting Harini and her little one. I was so happy to see her- it was an emotional moment for me.
I came back home relieved, maintained minimum movements and started singing for the babies. I also started feeling the movements of the babies predominantly.

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