Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Preparing our self for IVF journey

Journey of Parenthood Part 4 :

As each centre differs in the exact procedure, here is a snapshot of the IVF ICSI procedure in this hospital:
1.    I had started taking perinatal multivitamins and folic acid supplements in August, following my first consultation. I was asked to continue the same, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I have always been overweight so the doctor asked me to reduce my weight as much as I could.  
2.    I was introduced to my IVF coordinator and chief nurse Ms. Mohanapriya, she is really a Godsent angel. I will be talking a lot about her professional commitment in this blog. I also met Ms. Keerthana and Ms. Chandralekha, two other very sweet and committed nurses who would be handling my injections. I was told the cost of the procedure. We also described our schedule to Dr. Karthik.  We left the hospital with a lot of excitement and anxiety! Dr. Manu told us that they would create our babies outside and later they would grow inside me! This statement lingered in my ears. The next step was to report to the hospital on the 2nd day of my period.
Here’s how you can prepare yourself for this process:
Physical, emotional and financial support:
1. Financial Support: 
As soon as we came to know that we have to undergo this process, our antennae tuned up because this is a very expensive medical procedure. The hospital will give you a suggested invoice. But while you work it out, remember that the cost of injections will vary based on your dosage. Second, make a note of when you have to pay; generally we paid for each injection then and there. 12 to 14 days from the start of the procedure, you will have the egg pick up phase when you might have to pay the bulk amount. Speak to your centre well before, and plan your credit card usage. Before the egg pick up, you will not be given much medicine - it will mostly be your normal pain killers. 
But during the transfer and post transfer you will be put through estrogen, different forms of progesterone and ecosprin. Other than ecosprin, the hormones are very expensive, so you need to include them while planning. 
In our hospital, we didn't have to pay for the scan and consultation during the injection period. If the hospital you go to demands it, you will have to make that inclusion too.  Within the first few days, ensure that you are clear about the payment procedure, so that you don’t worry about it later on.
2. Physical Support
Many a time we think IVF means total bed rest you need a complete support system. This is not true, there are several stages in IVF where you definitely can manage on your own, and you can even continue to go for your job.  It is only after the embryo transfer you may require support - till when you need it depends on how you proceed in your pregnancy. 
In my case, Dr. Manu clarified that bed rest may be necessary only after the embryo transfer. 
So, initially, upto the egg pick up stage, we managed on our own. My hospital is about 28 km from my house and I had to travel every day for my injections. Hence I decided to take my house maid’s additional help. I asked her to chop vegetables and fruits which helped since more than half my day used to go in my travel. During the entire injection period outside food must be avoided so this help made it easier for me to cook. 
I live in Semmencheri, OMR, and my hospital is in T Nagar. I used to go to my parents place (at Thiruvanmyur) by bus, my father then drove me to the hospital to finish my injections, stop over back at my parent’s place for lunch, pick up a few side dishes and reach home by afternoon. I had rest of my day at my disposal. 
After the embryo transfer my mother stayed with me till my delivery..... I will explain as the blog goes .....
3. Emotional and moral support:
During this treatment, emotional and moral support is very important.  You and your husband will have to be each other's pillars of support. Apart from that it is confusing whether or not the details of this treatment should be shared with everyone. The main problem is that every person will have an opinion or suggestion, and you might not be able to take them all. Though I belong to a large very close knit family with a lot of cousins, to avoid anxiety, I avoided telling everyone and initially informed only both our parents and my sis-in-law.
Believe me, your true well-wishers will never ever mind that at all. In my case, my family just told me that their good wishes are with us. I have been sharing my emotions during this treatment journey with two of my cousins Sudarsan and Vaidehi. Sudarsan is a practicing doctor at Melbourne. Both Hari and I have always been comfortable discussing with him all our inhibitions . He gives us practical inputs and lots of motivation and has always been following our treatment.

Vaidehi is a super mom and a very practical and positive person. Despite being a part of a joint family and having demanding schedules she has never missed talking to me every day during the pregnancy period. Both she and my brother in law constantly followed up my treatment with us and ensured they were always available for any help. We are eternally grateful to the three of them and this was enough for us. 
Just remember we only need someone who would pat us and say don't worry we are with you all will be well just call us when you need and give us the space to g through this physical and emotional journey.
We got ourselves ready for the journey as days edged towards my next cycle.

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