Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Test Day: beginning of a new journey

Journey into parenthood Part 8 :

February 1st 2017 was our scheduled day for beta HCG blood test. We reached the hospital by 8.30 am and as always I felt a positivity as I reached the hospital. I gave my blood sample to the lab technician Mr Pandian, who probably withdraws about 100 samples a day. Despite that, he told me to be calm and find out the results by calling the hospital. I was touched by his way of handling patients.
Hari dropped me at my moms’ house and left for office; both of us definitely nervous. Our family was gearing up for my cousins’ wedding and I had already expressed my inability to attend. My parents and Hari took turns and attended the function. As I said before my extended family only wished we get through this procedure successfully and prayed for us- a true well-wisher will not want to ponder on the finest details. In fact, my family gave me updates of the wedding through whatsapp.
      At about 11.00 am I got a call from the hospital and thanks to true caller I identified the number and quickly attended the call. I recognized Ms. Sangeetha’s voice; she immediately verified my name and said -Congratulations! - tests are positive- my beta HCG value is 4969 , which is a good value and asked me to be happy and report on the 3rd for the second blood test which will help us confirm pregnancy. This was one of the most emotional moments for me- I actually didn't know how to react! I told Hari, my parents, in laws, my cousin and Saai Harini.
      The next day went by and on Friday, February 3rd we went to the hospital for our second blood test. We decided to stay back and meet Dr. Manu.
      Meanwhile my father sent me to the hospital and quickly rushed to the wedding. Everyone in the first family circle was praying for me during the wedding!
      At about 11.30 am we received the 2nd value. This has to be double of our first value to indicate that pregnancy is progressing. By God’s grace it was 11, 232- far more than double.
      Our nurses were very happy and we met Dr. Manu. After going through the values she said they were positive, but it was too early to even feel symptoms. She asked me to avoid raw white sugar in any form (to prevent gestational diabetes) and very spicy food. Of course as always no outside food is preferred.
      She asked us to continue all medications and get back on the 50th day for the scan. I sincerely appreciate our doctor’s professional way of handling us at every stage. She was practical and not emotional. I find it funny when I see advertisements of Fertility Centers where everybody hugs the doctor and cries when a blood test turns positive.
      A positive blood test is definitely a great beginning but the journey of pregnancy has just begun and we have a long way to go.

      At this point we were definitely happy. Because of the wedding, our inner circle was aware about this positive result but everybody respected the sensitivity of the issue and told us to be careful till we complete the first trimester and of course continue to pray.

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