Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Early stage of Placenta Pervia -challenging bed rest times !!!!!!!!!!

Journey into Parenthood Part 10 :

As usual I googled enough to understand my situation and I understood that when it happens at an early stage of pregnancy there are bright chances of it altering later on.
One big change after the first trimester is that your check-up will be only monthly once. So only one outing a month! Thankfully by God’s grace I didn't have morning sickness. In the first trimester I used to constantly feel hungry which settled down in the second trimester. Otherwise, frankly by God’s grace, I had the fullest support of my parents, who take charge of home; Hari would buy everything and take care of grocery and vegetable shopping; every day I would get calls from some close friend or my cousin or relatives and to top it all I was blessed with lovely neighbors especially my dearest friends Jerine and James Sir who dedicated their evening time to give me laughter therapy and to keep me pepped up! So I have to say I didn't feel the real pinch of bed rest.

I must specially mention little girl Judith, Jerine's daughter who played monopoly and other board games with me. She would stay with me whenever Amma went down to the temple and never move away till my mother came back. Hari and I are touched by their love and care and are happy that our little ones already have a caring and loving elder sister!

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